Make Art Great Again

In September 2020, an unsatisfying abstract painting I had recently completed led me in a strange direction. Looking at the canvas, all I could see was the square face of Donald Trump with its confused glare and jowls, topped by a silly Pompadour. I couldn’t look away. Call it Trump Derangement Syndrome if you will, but the horrific spectacle of the 45th presidency and the man himself have been generous with inspiration. 

Individual #1, Woman, Man, Camera, TV (2020)

My first composition was almost entirely derived from tracings of that early abstract. The process proved robust, as ghostly images from the first piece suggested figures from Picasso’s Guernica. It has become interesting to realize that the work of artists from the past might have things to say about Trump and his sycophants. My mission — I have chosen to accept it —  is to use great art to comment on Trump, The Phenomenon.

He is a very weird Muse indeed.

Like other deeply flawed and dangerous politicians, Trump has not acted alone. The scope of my artwork has therefore expanded to include a host of characters who have enabled Trump’s worst personality trends, resulting in lasting damage to Americans and to the world order.

Using links above, navigate to pages for Guernica Americana, The Birth of Venal, The Making of a Fiasco Showing the Destruction of a Democracy, The Persistence of Perfidy, Pursued, Descending a Staircase, With No. 2 and Adoration of the MAGA. The Cartoons link directs to a series of digital cartoons, many of which appear at

The Purchase Prints link will take you to the No.Trump.Art store.